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Since I started accessing Internet auctions,
my perfume bottles have rapidly increased.
I didn't mean it, though.

I found many perfumes were selling on the Internet auctions
and online shops.
They were incredibly cheap sometimes.

When I was first aware of good scents, I was in kindergarten.
It was my friends shampoo scent.
It was Mimosa.

When I was learning the Abacus, the teacher wore perfume.
It was very mysterious.
One was a clean, fresh scent like the detergent for clothes.
Another one was a soft, powdery scent.
I found out just a couple years ago,
it was CALECHE by Hermes.
I still don`t know the name of the other one.

Maybe, the other one was not perfume but real clothes detergent........

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Who is Kos?
Kos is the Web master on this site.Kos meaning is Yogurt.
When I wear "Wish" by CHOPARD or "VOCAILISE" by SHISEIDO,The scent changed like the sweeten drink yogurt on my skin.The name came from it.
This is how I chose the name.

My English
English is not my first language.So,You will find a lot of mistakes
I would like to know the mistake.If you find any mistakes or a better expression, Please tell me.
I will change it immediately.
Where I am living?
I am living in the Tohoku area which is located in the northern part of main land Japan.
It has 4 beautiful seasons here. Summer is hot. Winter is cold with snow.
The 21century started with heavy snow.
It was the record. There has been about 70cm snow already.
More than 85cm snow fell in 24 hours in down town.
The snow contains a lot of moisture like spring snow. It was so heavy.
Many roofs of houses were destroyed. An old style Japanese restaurant was completely destroyed.
If you would like to see pictures of the snow I will attach some.
Comment about perfume It is my personal opinion.

(C)2003 RainbowScents ALL RIGHT RESERVED